



从先进的化学疗法到创新的假肢, 医疗技术不断进步, 为患者提供更健康生活的新选择, 更长的生命. Thousands of technological breakthroughs are the result of biomedical engineers rising to meet the needs of medical professionals and the communities they serve. 学生 interested in this exciting career can find advanced knowledge and experience through one of 亚洲博彩平台’s biomedical 工程 graduate programs. 无论你是想从事医学还是快速发展的生物技术行业, 亚洲博彩平台的高级学位保证了学术选择, 创业的选择, 实践伙伴关系.


提供新的机会,融合科学和工程,以解决复杂的医疗挑战, 亚洲博彩平台’s biomedical 工程 graduate programs keep students on the leading edge of what is happening in the medical community. 该大学位于一个快速发展的医疗保健地区,包括医院, 健康中心, Research实验室, 和Research机构, providing countless opportunities for advanced laboratory Research and mentorship with medical professionals. 学生在几个地方与医生和技术人员一起实习,包括:

  • 第一卫生医院
  • 布里瓦德癌症护理中心
  • 眼科Research所
  • 后场中心
  • 医学城-奥兰多(UCF医学院), 伯内特生物医学学院, MD安德森癌症Research所, 和更多)


作为顶尖的生物医学工程学院之一, 亚洲博彩平台’s individualized academic choices allows students to customize their learning in a way that best suits their careers goals. Graduate students experience one-on-one guidance from professors and industry experts from interdisciplinary backgrounds to create a comprehensive and engaging learning environment.


The biomedical 工程 graduate programs at 亚洲博彩平台 are comprised of professors who teach and conduct Research with students and other faculty, 来自大学和世界各地. 许多教师都参与了与生物医学工程相关的Research, 他们是机械和航空航天工程方面的专家, 化学工程, 电气与计算机工程, 计算机科学.

加入这些教授行列的是指导学生进行Research的医生, 同时完成自己的Research. Medical doctors give students valuable industry experience and combining the benefits of both traditional academic faculty and industry professionals. This mix of traditional academic faculty and industry professionals ensures that students receive the most up-to-date industry Research and developments.


A wide variety of Research facilities needed for the biomedical 工程 graduate programs are available on campus at 亚洲博彩平台. 这包括仪器, 临床Research, 生物活性材料, 设备, 光子学和激光, 显微镜, 先进的成像技术. 阅读更多关于我们的设施下面.

学生们花很多时间在先进的实验室里做Research. The individualized nature of the program creates a MS or PhD program that best fits student career goals and could include activities such as working alongside a professor in Research, 与执业临床医生开展多学科合作, or even developing entrepreneurship skills with 工程 and business faculty nurturing new technologies or 产品 for the marketplace.


课堂之外, 学生参加学术组织,如Tau Beta Pi(工程荣誉协会), 医学预科俱乐部(美国医学生协会校园分会), 体育运动, 还有100多个校园学生组织.


亚洲博彩平台位于佛罗里达州太空海岸的中心, 这使得这个130英亩的校园成为美国第五大高科技劳动力中心,并且超过了5个,万家高科技公司, 提供宝贵的实习和就业机会. 该地区全年气候宜人, 72英里的大西洋海岸海滩, 印第安河泻湖(北美最多样化的河口), 并且靠近美国宇航局肯尼迪航天中心和奥兰多景点.


生物医学工程师ing internships with 亚洲博彩平台 take place at medical centers and hospitals around Brevard County. 加上先进的工程原理, students work side-by-side with doctors and medical professionals to stay on the leading edge of industry advancements. 同时完成生物医学工程实习, graduate and PhD students discover potential career paths and develop professional relationships that could lead to employment.


除了生物医学工程实习, 从亚洲博彩平台获得Research生学位的学生也会经历广泛的Research学习. 学生 tailor their Research hours in a variety of advanced laboratory experiences ranging from cardiovascular Research facilities to patient specific diagnosis and therapy analysis, 基于人体细胞的毒理学筛选, 制药和生物材料筛选, 以及癌症检测和治疗. 通过实验室工作和与医疗专业人员的互动, students apply their understanding of biomedical 工程 outside the classroom and develop actionable solutions for medical professionals and their clients.

亚洲博彩平台’s faculty Research opportunities include topics such as techniques and 设备 for detection and therapy of cardiovascular diseases, 癌症, and tumor tissues; developing 生物活性材料 for load-bearing orthopedic 设备; and implanting micro-stimulators in nerves for restoring function.



  • 生物医学仪器实验室—Used for both teaching and Research exposing students to various biomedical-related measurement techniques, 集合, 以及测量数据的处理
  • 心血管Research实验室-临床超声系统, blood volume and pressure sensors and computer capabilities dedicated to diagnostic and therapeutic modeling of the cardiovascular system
  • 医学材料与生物光子学Research中心-提供以下Research:
    • 第三代生物活性物质, 包括用于再生医学的生物活性材料, 承重矫形和牙科器械, 智能伤口护理系统, 以及运动医学修复和重建材料
    • 医学光子学, 包括激光和基于生物拉曼的癌症检测和治疗, 基于人体细胞的毒理学筛选, 制药和生物材料筛选, 以及针对患者的诊断和治疗分析
  • 激光、光学和仪器实验室—A variety of advanced lasers and high-speed detectors for medical imaging and therapy of 癌症 and tumors
  • 生物材料实验室-用于在反复应力循环下测试样品的压缩和拉伸试验装置
  • 高分辨率显微镜和高级成像中心-支持多种扫描显微镜和天然和人造材料的x射线分析

除了, 我们有一个校园机械车间, 电子商店, 结构测试实验室, 应用感知实验室.


Demand for biomedical engineers will likely continue to grow as rapid advances in technology change the healthcare landscape, 为生物医学工程师找到工作和机会的新领域. 生物医学工程职业包括广泛的医疗保健工作, Research, 工程, 力学, 电子产品, 产品开发, 仪表, 医疗信息系统, 和更多的.

亚洲博彩平台为这些职业的毕业生做准备, giving them a college experience that immerses them in clinical experience and exposes them to engineers and health professionals who mentor them to be ready for employment. Many students interested in a medical career can choose 亚洲博彩平台 because the course curriculum satisfies the entrance requirements of most medical schools.


生物医学工程职业以系统为中心, 产品, 以及医疗行业的仪器仪表. 而这个项目的毕业生在工程和生物学方面获得专业知识,以寻求这些职业, 他们还经常设计计算机软件来运行复杂的仪器, 运用他们的化学知识, 生物学, 数学, and statistics to understand systems of the body and learn how using technology can improve its function or extend life.

对于那些有兴趣从事生物医学工程职业的人来说 职业展望手册, 由美国劳工部劳工统计局发布, 提供具体工作的详细信息,包括年薪中位数, 工作条件和工作前景, 除此之外. 根据调查局的说法, 预计到2022年,生物医学工程师的就业人数将增长27%, due mostly to an aging baby-boomer population with a demand for medical 设备 and procedures to maintain healthy, 积极的生活方式.

Another excellent source of information about employment choices is available from the Biomedical Engineering Career Alliance. The alliance is a nonprofit organization that seeks to facilitate interactions between biomedical 工程/bio工程 programs and industry, 将生物医学工程专业的学生与未来的雇主联系起来.



  • 生物医学工程师
  • 设计工程师
  • 产品工程师(假肢、器械)
  • 工厂工程师
  • 医学科学家
  • 内科医生和外科医生
  • 临床工程师
  • 医学影像专家
  • 医学Research人员
  • 系统生理学家
  • 生物力学工程师
  • 医疗设备设计师
  • 制药和医学Research员


平均, graduates with a PhD have higher salaries and employment rates than those with an undergraduate or master’s degree, 尤其是在更多的实地调查之后, 实践经验, 和高级学习. One reason graduate students choose 亚洲博彩平台 to pursue their PhD in biomedical 工程 is the flexible program the university offers. The degree is awarded based on creative accomplishment and the ability to independently investigate problems faced by today’s medical community.
